Mandarin Bridge Mentorship Program

The Mandarin Bridge Mentorship Program is open to all past Mandarin Bridge participants.

What is the MB Mentorship Program?

This is a way for you to utilize your ‘living in China skills’ to benefit first time Mandarin Bridge teachers and return to China at an extremely affordable price!

Application Fee/Costs

Mentorship Program application & processing fee: $275
Yes, you read correctly, only $275. The application & processing fee covers: THE ARRIVAL TOUR, Airfare, Housing, Meals, Visa, and everything else the volunteer program covers.

Positions Details

You’ll still be teaching just like last time. So why are we offering this new program so inexpensively to returning teachers? Because in addition to teaching at your school, you’ll also be assigned to a new group of Mandarin Bridge teachers going over during the same semester as you, to act as their “Mentor.” We are anticipating mentor groups of 8-10 new MB teachers.  In this capacity, you’ll be able to offer them your first hand knowledge of China as someone who’s been there and experienced it.

Mentors will have the chance to help new teachers get on their feet faster in China and start loving China from Day-1 as they lead by example. The majority of this extra duty as a mentor will simply be answering a lot of basic questions; questions that you yourself probably had when you were first going to China and didn’t know what to expect.

At this time the Mentorship Program will only be offered during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Possible questions mentor’s will probably be answering

  • -What was your favorite place to travel?
  • -Is it hard to buy train tickets? How do you do it?
  • -How did you get around your city?  
  • -Did you ever get lost? How did you get back?
  • -What was your first lesson? How did it go?  
  • -What was your favorite lesson?
  • -What was your favorite food?! 
  • -How did you order food in China? 
  • -What do you wish you would have known before going to China? 
  • -How do you use a squatter toilet?


  1. Be a past Mandarin Bridge participant.
  2. Love China (Chinese food, Chinese students, and KTV of course!)
  3. Must have regular dreams about returning to China.
  4. Be disciplined in learning some basic Chinese.

Application Process

The application process will be almost identical to the Volunteer Application Process you followed the first time. But fortunately you’ve already submitted many of these materials that we can just reuse, so the process will be even easier than last time!

Start by submitting a preliminary application form and be sure to select “Mentor Program

We’ll then contact you and provide additional instructions on what we’ll need you to submit again.

You’ll also need to sign and submit this Mentor Contract.

Will every past teacher be accepted as a MB Mentor? Not necessarily. Your eligibility depends heavily on your performance and attitude from your first semester in China. But we anticipate the majority of our past teachers will qualify for this new position!

Learn More About Mentor Responsibilities:

Mentor Contract

Mentor Referral Bonus

To make the deal even sweeter, Mandarin Bridge is now offering referral bonuses to past teachers going back as mentors (Beginning Spring 2016).

For every teacher who you refer that signs up and goes to China with you, you will receive $100. The bonuses will first be applied towards your program and tour fee. Any remaining amount will be dispersed in RMB upon arrival in China.

The referral bonus is only available for teachers that you refer to go during the semester in which you are going as a mentor. When they fill out the preliminary application, simply make sure they put your name down as the person who referred them to the program.