Departure Form
Congratulations on your acceptance to teaching in China through Mandarin Bridge !
We STRONGLY recommend all participants to participate in our arrival tour as it can greatly affect the rest of your experience in a positive way. Specific details regarding the arrival tour can be found on the arrival tour page.
As the departure date approaches, it is very common for teachers to experience intense feelings of excitement, nervousness, fear of the unknown, and even question their reason for wanting to go to China. Please know that these are normal reactions to leaving one’s comfort
zone and not a sign that you should not go to China. Mandarin Bridge is always available to offer advice and counsel regarding your trip to China, so please never hesitate to contact us for reassurance.
You will soon learn that when dealing with China you should always be prepared for an adventure. Flexibility and being able to adapt to this new environment are essential characteristics to enjoying the new world around you.
The only remaining steps that need to be taken for your departure are booking the group’s airfare and applying for visas. Mandarin Bridge will facilitate both of these items for the
teachers. Please wait for instructions in both these areas and do not arrange your own airfare or visa. Specific school placements should be announced during the month of June. Occasionally teachers receive their placement details during the month of July. We strive to provide
this information to teachers as early as possible so that you can best prepare for the age of students with which you will be working.